(insert into metaprl/theories/itt/core/itt_logic.ml: let f1 = << all x:'T. 'p['x] and exst y:'T. 'q['y] => exst z:'T. ('p['z] or not{'q['z]}) >> let f2 = << exst x:'T. 'a['x] and exst y:'T. 'b['y] => all z:'T. (not{'a['z]} or 'b['z]) >> and insert into metaprl/theories/itt/core/itt_logic.mli: topval f1 : term topval f2 : term compile:) traths@jk-002 ~/metaprl$ omake *** omake: reading OMakefiles *** omake: finished reading OMakefiles (0.6 sec) *** omake: done (64.9 sec, 3/4075 scans, 3/4075 rules, 8/7081 digests) (start MetaPRL-Editor in new terminal:) [traths@jk-002 ~/metaprl]$ ./editor/ml/mpxterm & [2] 2263 [traths@jk-002 ~/metaprl]$ MetaPRL build [Wed Dec 21 19:55:21 2005] on jk-002.soft.cs.uni-potsdam.de Uses VERBOSE Refiner_ds # cd "itt_logic";; Module: /itt_logic /itt_logic : string # f1;; (* show formula *) ... # prove f1;; (* prove formula *) 0 ms () : unit # f2;; ... # prove f2;; Uncaught exception: Refine error: Jprover: formula is not provable # exit ();; MetaPRL exiting [traths@jk-005 ~/metaprl]$